Tagged: local beer

Who has the best Bourbon Barrel Porter?

On a recent visit to Scotts Addition in Richmond, VA, I stopped in Isley Brewing for a pint. After scanning the beer list I decided on a beer they were calling “This Ain’t Kentucky”, a bourbon barrel aged oatmeal porter....

I see men, but where are the women?

Women drink beer. This shouldn’t surprise you since there’s a pretty good chance you know a woman, or even several, who drink beer, or you are a beer-drinking woman yourself. Women also brew, package, sell and market beer. This shouldn’t...

Barleywine Fest at Mad Fox Brewing

This past weekend, Feb 24th and 25th, Mad Fox hosted its 8th Annual Barleywine Fest at their brewery in Falls Church, VA.  There were wide variety of barleywines on hand. Several were produced right there at Mad Fox, while others...

Make Your Own Beer at Home, Really!

Have you ever thought about brewing your own beer at home?  It is not as hard as some people make it sound.  It is actually a lot of fun to create and make great tasting beer that you can drink...

Craft Beer for Thanksgiving!

Why pair your Thanksgiving meal with a wine when beer is far more food friendly? Think about it. Wine makers have essentially 2 ingredients. Grapes and yeast. However, brewers have a wide variety of different grains which can be malted,...

Did you make it to Hops in the Park?

On Nov 11th, Henricus Park hosted its 3rd annual Hops in the Park sponsored by Capital Ale House, RJ Smith Companies, Haley Buick GMC, Emerson Companies, Trinkin, Chesterfield Farm Bureau, Wegman’s, Cintas, and Chesterfield Economic Development. Just in case you...

Craft Beer at the Wine Expo?

Craft Beer at the Wine Expo?

The organizers of the 2018 Virginia Wine Expo, after much research, deliberating, and feedback from past attendees, has made the decision to expand the Expo to include craft beer. During the 6 day Expo, 2 of the 19 events planned...