Author: Curtis George

Bold Mariner Brewing in Norfolk VA!

Welcome to Bold Mariner! The brewery’s owner and founder Michael Stacks, served for many years in the Navy, but instead of retiring, he decided he needed a second full time job. He must have thought the time he used for...

Who has the best Bourbon Barrel Porter?

On a recent visit to Scotts Addition in Richmond, VA, I stopped in Isley Brewing for a pint. After scanning the beer list I decided on a beer they were calling “This Ain’t Kentucky”, a bourbon barrel aged oatmeal porter....

Beer Without Hops?

Charles Denby went to UC Berkeley to work with Jay Keasling, a pioneer in the field of synthetic biology and a professor of chemical and biomolecular engineering, to work on developing sustainable transportation fuels . Dr Keasling  developed a process...

Barleywine Fest at Mad Fox Brewing

This past weekend, Feb 24th and 25th, Mad Fox hosted its 8th Annual Barleywine Fest at their brewery in Falls Church, VA.  There were wide variety of barleywines on hand. Several were produced right there at Mad Fox, while others...

Make Your Own Beer at Home, Really!

Have you ever thought about brewing your own beer at home?  It is not as hard as some people make it sound.  It is actually a lot of fun to create and make great tasting beer that you can drink...