A Beer A Day Keeps The Doctor Away

Expert Author Philip A Soluri


It’s a well-stated fact in the medical profession that moderate consumption (one to two drinks) of alcoholic beverages can be beneficial and down right healthy for the mind and body. We’re well aware that it helps to relieve stress and cut hypertension. As if we need another reason to drink these magnificent craft creations, other than the amazing flavors they present, there is a slew of other health benefits tied to beer in particular.

I often say in jest that a good beer has all the nutrients of bread and water, well, actually it does. It contains grains, herbs, yeast and water. Along with these healthful ingredients, beer also has the same antioxidants as wine and has higher levels of B vitamins and proteins. In fact, B6 levels were up to 30% higher than in non-drinkers. One of the flavonoid compounds in hops is called Xanthohumol. This compound has also been found to play a major role in chemoprevention of cancer, especially prostate cancer.

Even if you’re not a fruit and vegetable eater, no worries, the silicone in beer is better assimilated by the body better than those found in bananas and green beans. Several studies have also shown that the type of silicone found in beer, a mineral that promotes bone density and wards off osteoporosis, is significantly increased. Studies have shown that at least in theory this could go along way to preventing osteoporosis in women. Female beer drinkers were found to have a significantly higher bone density than those who did not drink beer.

All alcohol in moderate amounts is considered to be heart healthy, raising good cholesterol and lowering bad cholesterol levels. Without boring you with the scientific terms as to exactly what causes it, beer may be substantially more heart-healthy than other alcoholic beverages.The higher levels of antioxidants, anti-carcinogenics, as well as several other compounds, deserve the credit for this. There is also the well-known reduction in hypertension and stress associated with moderate drinking.

All of this healthy information is in NO way meant to say that it is healthy or OK to go overboard regularly with beer or any alcohol consumption. Overdoing it can and will counter any positive effects beer may have, and can create even more severe health issues. Remember, the key word here is MODERATION. Keeping that in mind, a good craft brew tastes much better than a tongue depressor and is far more enjoyable than a cold stethoscope.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Philip_A_Soluri/2248394

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